
22 Side Hustle Ideas to Earn Extra Cash

If you want to reach a savings goal, pay more toward your student loans, or just add some breathing room to your budget (thanks to inflation), side hustles are a great way to make more money. This list is your inspiration for what kind of side hustle(s) you can take on to make more progress […]


How to Start a Side Hustle

So, now you’ve got some side hustle ideas in mind. But how do you get started? Like, what do you actually do? Narrow down your options to about three ideas and start your research! Get in touch with the companies involved (if needed) and talk to others who’ve done these jobs before to find out […]


Hard vs soft credit checks: What’s the difference?

A credit check – or credit search – is when a company looks at your credit report to see your financial history. They may use this information to understand how reliable you are at borrowing and repaying money to determine whether they’ll lend to you. Your credit report contains things like: • your name • […]

Category 3

Everyday spending hacks to help you save money

It can feel difficult to grow your savings without having to constantly cut back on the things you enjoy. If you’re struggling to free up cash to save, here are some ways to reduce your spending without feeling like you’re missing out. 1. Check your utility providers Comparison websites allow you compare quotes, to see […]

Category 3

5 reasons to care about your credit score

From getting a phone contract to buying a home – your credit score can affect your lifestyle and future plans. Your credit score shows lenders how reliable you are at borrowing and repaying money. Things like missed or late payments, as well as continuously going into your overdraft, can lower your credit rating. Here, we […]

Category 3

Investing Guide and How to Get Started

You may have considered investing but aren’t sure where to start. Read on to discover the investment basics you need to know. Investing isn’t as complicated as you might think. All you need is an internet connection and money to spare to join the action. What is investing? Investing is a relatively simple concept. You […]

Category 3

How to improve your credit score

From registering to vote, to avoiding too many credit applications – there are ways you can boost your credit score and increase your chances of being accepted for credit. What are the benefits of improving your credit score? By improving your credit score, you’re more likely to be: • approved for credit, such as a […]


6 ways to stand out as a freelancer

Millions of people around the world work as freelancers. Thousands of people probably offer services very similar to yours. So the question is why should a potential client would choose to work with you instead of your competitor? It’s because you’ve convinced them you offer something unique. Something about your work, your brand, or even […]


How to create a Budget plan

Here is my complete guide to budget planning – to help you understand your finances, cut down on costs, and save for your future goals. Budget planning is a simple and effective way to understand your finances, reduce how much you spend, and save more for your future goals. It is a great first step […]